• Ebook Lelts maximiser educational book

    Ebook Lelts maximiser educational book

    Speaking with some skills you have good language ability is probably not too big a barrier. But for those who are exposed or starting a new school, the use IELTS Speaking is probably still a strange thing. This active skill that very few are interested in when you learn English from grade 6, should not be surprising in the face of a foreigner, you are difficult opening words, even the most simple things. Speaking of IELTS test, the test...

     218 p aulac 27/05/2018 208 0

  • Ebook 1800 câu đàm thoại tiếng Nhật thông dụng: Phần 2 - NXB Trẻ

    Ebook 1800 câu đàm thoại tiếng Nhật thông dụng: Phần 2 - NXB Trẻ

    Sách gồm 1800 câu thoại chia làm 19 chương, bao quát hầu hết mọi tình huống mà một người đến Nhật Bản có thể gặp phải, từ việc gặp gỡ người khác, đi mua sắm, tham quan đến tìm nhà ở, tìm việc và sinh con. Mười chương đầu tập trung về những điều bạn cần biết khi kết bạn và giao tiếp trong tiếng Nhật, và chín chương sau sẽ đi vào chi tiết...

     152 p aulac 27/05/2018 356 1

  • Ebook English grammar workbook for dummies: Part 1

    Ebook English grammar workbook for dummies: Part 1

    Part 1 this book includes these contents: Laying out the concrete slab: grammar basics, mastering mechanics, the pickier points of correct verb and pronoun use. Invite you to consult this book.

     193 p aulac 27/05/2018 334 1

  • Ebook English grammar workbook for dummies: Part 2

    Ebook English grammar workbook for dummies: Part 2

    Part 2 this book includes these contents: All you need to know about descriptions and comparison, writing with style, the part of tens. Invite you to consult this book.

     128 p aulac 27/05/2018 299 1

  • Ebook Grammaire en dialogues - Niveau débutant

    Ebook Grammaire en dialogues - Niveau débutant

    La grammaire en dialogues est divisée en 32 chapitres, chacun portant sur un point de grammaire particulier. Les sujets de grammaire correspondent à ceux traités dans les metshodes de francais de niveau

     129 p aulac 27/05/2018 409 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Departures: Part 1

    Ebook Streamline English Departures: Part 1

    Part 1 this book includes these contents: Hello, excuse me, where are you from, what is it, what are they, what's your name, what's your job, i'm cold, a nice flat, everyday conversation, a family reunion,... Invite you to consult this book.

     91 p aulac 27/05/2018 200 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Departures: Part 2

    Ebook Streamline English Departures: Part 2

    Part 2 this book includes these contents: vocabularies. This vocabulary contains all the words in the student's book, and the number of the unit where they first occur. Invite you to consult this book.

     7 p aulac 27/05/2018 168 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Destinations: Part 1

    Ebook Streamline English Destinations: Part 1

    Part 1 this book includes these contents: Arrivals, is everything ready, this is your life, out of work, getting a job, sending a card, marriage guidance council, a trip to Spain, flying to Spain, inside story, noisy neighbours, a bad day at the office, a Saturday afternoon, food for thought,... Invite you to consult this book.

     57 p aulac 27/05/2018 234 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Connections: Part 1

    Ebook Streamline English Connections: Part 1

    Part 1 this book includes these contents: All aboard, telephoning, fizz is fantastic, Olympic report, monday morning, sleep and dreams, at the chemist's, a science fiction story, a phone call, army careers office,... Invite you to consult this book.

     56 p aulac 27/05/2018 224 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Destinations: Part 2

    Ebook Streamline English Destinations: Part 2

    Part 2 this book includes these contents: Miss Britain, describing things, eating out, finding your way around, all the good news, a change for the better, a messages to the stars,... Invite you to consult this book.

     46 p aulac 27/05/2018 208 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Connections: Part 2

    Ebook Streamline English Connections: Part 2

    Part 1 this book includes these contents: Booking in advance, a new job, the weather forecast, a restaurant kitchen, asking for directions, the daily news, an important visitor,... Invite you to consult this book.

     46 p aulac 27/05/2018 217 1

  • Ebook Streamline English Directions: Part 1

    Ebook Streamline English Directions: Part 1

    Part 1 this book includes these contents: Learning languages, shark attack, the yellow bulldozer, two-word verbs, the explorer, describing a picture, anything to declare, expressing your feellings,... Invite you to consult this book.

     62 p aulac 27/05/2018 217 1

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