Joomla! là hệ thống quản trị nội dung mã nguồn mở hàng đầu thế giới hiện nay § Sử dụng Joomla, ta có thể xây dựng được hầu hết các website từ đơn giản đến phức tạp § Việc cài đặt và sử dụng Joomla khá dễ dàng.

     29 p aulac 14/12/2012 340 2

  • Guide to Creating Website Information Architecture and Content

    Guide to Creating Website Information Architecture and Content

    Guide to Creating Website Information Architecture and Content Information architecture (IA) is an often-overlooked area of website design. Too often, as designers, we just let the CMS we’re using dictate how content for a site is organized. And that works fine as long as the site fits perfectly into the narrow content formats most CMSs are designed around. But too often, a website’s content breaks the boundaries of most CMSs. Without a...

     43 p aulac 14/12/2012 346 2

  • Web Security Programming I

    Web Security Programming I

    To illustrate what can go wrong if we do not design for security in our web applications from the start, consider a simple web server implemented in Java. All this program does is serve documents using HTTP. We will walkthrough the code in the following. (HyperText Transfer Protocol): The communications protocol used to connect to servers on the Web. • Its primary function is to establish a connection with a Web server and transmit HTML...

     25 p aulac 14/12/2012 407 2

  • Web-based IDE for Interfacing View Controller

    Web-based IDE for Interfacing View Controller

    The main purpose of this project is to develop a web version of an IDE i.e., Web-based IDE (Coding in the cloud) for Struts based Projects. To interface view and controller components of MVC architecture. Enables users to create XHTML pages using the drag and drop mechanism.

     40 p aulac 14/12/2012 367 3

  • Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform

    Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform

    This book takes enterprise developers inside the architecture, protocols, and programming practices for building distributed-object Web Services. The authors also step readers through building a high-end Web Service of their own, using real-world examples and proven strategies. All the book's code examples appear on the companion CD-ROM.

     312 p aulac 14/12/2012 387 1

  • Apache: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition)

    Apache: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition)

    With this new third edition of Apache: The Definitive Guide, web administrators new to Apache will come up to speed quickly, and experienced administrators will find the logically organized, concise reference sections indispensable, and system programmers interested in customizing their servers will rely on the chapters on the API and Apache modules.

     622 p aulac 14/12/2012 351 1

  • Building Your Business with Google for Dummies

    Building Your Business with Google for  Dummies

    The first-ever book to show businesses step by step how to capitalize on advertising programs offered by Google, the world's #1 search engine, with more than 200 million search queries per day Written by a veteran For Dummies author working in cooperation with Google, which will help support the book From selecting the right keywords to crafting the right message, the book explains how to boost site traffic using AdWords, Google's hugely...

     387 p aulac 14/12/2012 286 1

  • Web Solutions for How to Read and Do Proofs

    Web Solutions for How to Read and Do Proofs

    The forward process makes use of the information contained in the hypothesis A. The backward process tries to find a chain of statements leading to the fact that the conclusion B is true. With the backward process, you start with the statement B that you are trying to conclude is true. By asking and answering key questions, you derive a sequence of new statements with the property that if the sequence of new statements is true, then B is true....

     58 p aulac 14/12/2012 364 1

  • Search Engine Optimization: Understanding the Engines & Building Successful Sites

    Search Engine Optimization: Understanding the Engines & Building Successful Sites

    The Search Landscape • How Search Engines Work • Building Accessible Sites • Conducting Keyword Research • Link Building Strategies • Social Media & the Web’s Influencers

     151 p aulac 14/12/2012 339 1

  • Synapse.co.in.Ezine


    Web 3.0 or Semantic Web is known as web evolution in which web content can be expressed in natural language and in an easy form that can be understood, interpreted and used by software agents in finding, sharing and integrating information more easily and conveniently as never before. John Markoff, a journalist from the New York Times first coined this term in 2006 which later came in practice. As an effective web development and a sequel to...

     16 p aulac 14/12/2012 330 1

  • Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật

    Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật

    Cho danh sách có n phần tử a0, a1, a2…, an-1. Để đơn giản trong việc trình bày giải thuật ta dùng mảng 1 chiều a để lưu danh sách các phần tử nói trên trong bộ nhớ chính. Tìm phần tử có khoá bằng X trong mảng Giải thuật tìm kiếm tuyến tính (tìm tuần tự) Giải thuật tìm kiếm nhị phân Lưu ý: Trong quá trình trình bày thuật giải ta dùng ngôn...

     187 p aulac 29/10/2012 433 1

  • Đề thi cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật có đáp án (2007-2008)

    Đề thi cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật có đáp án (2007-2008)

    Như các bạn đã biết, lập trình C là một môn học đòi hỏi tính tư duy năng động cao và sự hiểu biết chặt chẽ đối với các bài toán lập trình. Ngoài các tài liệu giáo trình lập trình C các bạn đã học và tìm hiểu ra thì mình xin được giới thiệu một tài liệu quan trọng đối với môn học này là: Đề thi trắc nghiệm môn cấu trúc dữ liệu và...

     17 p aulac 29/10/2012 2264 2

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